22 - 23 - 24 e 25 August
Every evening
"The Medieval Dinner at the Castle"
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
This annual event, which takes place in August, celebrates the granting of the Free Commune diploma to the Community of Pontremoli by Emperor Frederick II in 1226. Frederick II described the town as the "clavis et ianua" (key and gateway) of communication between Lombardy and Tuscany, emphasising the importance of Pontremoli in the Middle Ages.
During the event, the city transforms into a medieval setting for five days, with cars banned from the historic centre to make way for pedestrians, merchants, carriages, and knights. You can meet numerous reenactors representing various medieval social classes, including the clergy, nobility, military, courtiers, and peasants.
Many events await you, thanks to the Compagnia del Piagnaro, which has been organising every aspect of this wonderful event with remarkable skill, passion, and experience for years, making it a magnet for tourists and enthusiasts in the field.
Come and discover medieval Pontremoli with Medievalis!
Discover the Compagnia del Piagnaro: the association that has been organising Medievalis in Pontremoli for years.
A unique and culturally valuable event that awaits you every year in August. Come and explore it!
The Palio of Medievalis in Pontremoli is a true work of art created by the Pontremoli artist Prof. Luciano Preti, who is a professor of sculpture techniques at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence.
This bronze sculpture, cast using the lost wax technique, depicts the 'Cortina' that Castruccio Castracani degli Antelminelli erected in the city in 1322 to put an end to the internal conflicts between the Guelph and Ghibelline factions. Numerous symbols, such as the dove of peace, the sword pointing downwards, the hedgehog, and the maritime pines, represent the city defended by towers and walls and the Via Francigena, which passes through Pontremoli, leading towards the sea, central Italy, and Rome. This sculpture is truly extraordinary and represents an important artistic and cultural heritage for the city.
Compagnia del Piagnaro in Pontremoli is a very unique historical group. Founded in 2005, it is a non-profit, non-partisan, amateur sports association. It is composed of individuals, legal entities, and/or autonomous associations regularly established, as well as public and private entities.
The group is dedicated to the promotion of the history of the Pontremoli area, through the reconstruction and affirmation of the city's historical and cultural memory. If you are passionate about history and want to learn more about Compagnia de Piagnaro, do not hesitate to contact us.
to discover all the events related to Medievalis and other events organised by the Compagnia del Piagnaro Association